Yesterday a friend wrote me to congratulate me on making it to the 3rd trimester. My response, "Holy shit. I didn't even realize that!" I think I come here every time with some sort of comment about how time is just flying by, but it really truely is. Just last night we finally spoke about names for the first time, we still aren't for sure where we will be having this baby even.
Tomorrow I have what needs to be my last ob appointment with my current provider. I decided to stay with them through my glucose test since they gave me the juice. Very technical planning as you can see. I'm terrified of failing the 1 hour again. I know they say you can't trick the test but I'm going to at least eat healthier than I did last time before it and drink my water. I actually downloaded an app to help me with my water drinking. Even though its 10:30am right now and I still have yet to drink a glass...
Here's my belly last week at my sisters wedding.
And strange. A picture of my two loves, K and ice cream.
Tomorrow marks 27 weeks I think?! And I am still feeling good. Fat, but good. My rib is popped out so a chiropractor visit is in the near future. Baby is super active and I love watching it poke and roll across my belly.