Friday, May 6, 2011

19 Weeks 1 Day

Here we are, almost half way on the typical 40 week pregnancy. With my family I should probably be looking more at a 50 week scale. I wish there were more exciting things to report this week, but unfortunately its been one of the downer ones. I have been second guessing the little one's movement and have started to feel like I'm in some sort of a rut. Blah! I was asked if it was normal to be as big as I am for as far along as I am yesterday, so that was just the icing on the cake. My loving husband is always a great ear for me, but the never ending happy face I have to wear out in the world is getting old.

Don't get me wrong, being pregnant is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. I'm just anxious to see baby again, and for Nate to feel our little one. I think this week was hard because I was supposed to have an ultra sound on Tuesday but it got moved to a week from Monday...BOO!!

So I'm going to ask for some magic kicking dust to be sprinkled on me so my little muffin can show me they are REALLY in there. Thank God for my doppler! I don't know how I ever would get through a pregnancy without one.

Here's my fruit of the week: A Mango, I think this looks like an apple but then again I don't know if I've ever had a mango?!

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